Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Purpose

There are a lot of, for lack of a better word, dumb people out in the world. I run into them daily. I'm pretty sure, whether you realize it or not, you do too. It never ceases to amaze me how truly ridiculous people can be. Sometimes the things people do get me so riled up that I decided to write about it. Sometimes I'm like - seriously? Did she just do that? - or - Really? Did he just say that? You have to be kidding in me. Sometimes people do things that are so outrageous it's hard for me to wrap my mind around it. Take Sara Palin, for example. Why on God's green earth would you write notes on your hand when you know you are going to be on national television and people will see you looking at your hand? In this blog, I will post examples of stupid things that people do. The posts will be real and true things that I've encountered. I'll rate the things they do on a scale from 1-10, ten being the dumbest of the dumb. Feel free to cast in your votes or provide stories of your own.

To be fair, I've done some stupid things in my life too. Who hasn't? The first example will be from my own life. I was on winter vacation from grad school and my family and I were planning to go to Guatemala for a week. My mom reminded me several times before I left school that I needed to bring my passport. I was like alright, alright, stop reminding me already. So I drove the three hours home and guess what...I realized I forgot my passport the day we were leaving. Not the night before or the day before, but the day of. Our plane wasn't scheduled to leave until the evening so we had just enough time to drive three hours, pick up my passport, and drive three hours back just to get back in the car again and drive an hour to the airport. On a scale of 1-10, I'd rate that as a 7.

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